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A Movie Plus Production

YEAR: 2015 | 110 MINUTS


Director and Cinematographer: Nirit Aharoni
Producer: David Mandil
Executive producer: Michal Graidi, Shira Lee

​Editor: Ron Goldman


This is of the story Nirit Aharoni who grew up in an adoptive home. When she was 16she got access to her adoption file there she discovered her biological mother was adrug addict and a tramp. In the one meeting they ever had between she learned thatthe welfare authorities had taken her away from her mother. Her mother was sixteen.she was left with so many unanswered questions: attempting to understand hermother, finding out what had happened, and trying to imagine what would havebecome if she hadn’t been taken away from her? What parts of her character comefrom her mother? These questions of identity and belonging, led her to volunteer at"The Door of Hope". The place is a refuge for junkies and prostitutes on the verge ofdeath. Their stories parallel to her mother's own life story.The close connection she had with these women allowed her a special and immediateaccess into their world. Revealing to the camera lens the terrible, irreversible damagethey suffer from heroin addiction and prostitution, both their physical and mentalpain, and their dependence on street life, as well as their dreams, their memories ofthe children taken from them – Lost girls who grew up to be the walking dead.

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